OpenStack client


Docker image

The easiest way is to use the Docker container I created: OpenStack client

$ alias stack='docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/workspace -v ~/.stack:/root/.stack stack'
$ alias openstack='docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/workspace -v ~/.config/openstack:/root/.config/openstack openstack'

Then create a configuration file at .stack for your environment, and prepend commands with:

$ stack trystack [command]


Alternatively you can use the following installation methods

Using PIP

$ pip install python-openstackclient

On Fedora/RHEL/CentOS

$ yum install -y python-openstackclient   # dnf

On Ubuntu/Debian

$ apt-get install -y python-openstackclient

Using Ansible playbook

$ curl -sSL > /tmp/install.yml
$ ansible-playbook /tmp/install.yml

Managing users and projects

$ openstack project list

$ openstack user list

$ openstack role list

Add new user

$ openstack user create <username> --project <project> --password <password>

Grant role to user

$ openstack role add --user <username> --project <project> <role>

Managing SSH keys

Create a new key-pair

$ openstack keypair create mykey > mykey.pem

Upload existing key

$ openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/ mykey

Managing images

$ openstack image list

Upload image

# openstack image create <name> --disk-format <dformat> --container-format <cformat> --file <file> --property os_distro=<||>

Managing instances

$ openstack flavor list

$ openstack server list

Create instance

$ openstack server create <name> --flavor <flavor> --image <image> --key-name <key-name>


$ openstack server reboot <name>

$ openstack server delete <name>

Managing volumes

$ openstack volume create <volume-name> --size <size>

$ openstack volume create <volume-name> --image <image> --size <size>

$ openstack server add volume <server-name> <volume-name>

Managing networks

$ openstack network list

$ openstack network show <network>

Create network

$ openstack network create [--prefix prefix] [--enable | --disable] [--share | --no-share] <name>


wget -q -O /tmp/centos7.qcow2
qemu-img convert /tmp/centos7.qcow2 /tmp/centos7.raw
#openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --file /tmp/centos7.qcow2 centos7
openstack image create --disk-format raw --container-format bare --file /tmp/centos7.raw centos7
net_id=$(openstack network list -f value |awk '{print $1}')
openstack server create --flavor m1.small --image centos7 --nic net-id=${net_id} --key-name mykey test-instance

Dealing with values from the table output

for i in $( [command] | grep [filter] | awk ' { print $2 } '); do
  [command] $i

results matching ""

    No results matching ""